
On this page you can find the results of my JavaScript development efforts. The list is if far from complete, for example most of the stuff used on this web, I haven't posted here. I include only stuff that I believe can be useful in its  functionality so as versatile and easy in usage. Finally I believe anything without a reference manual is twice as complicated to use and half useful - so only documented (at least basically) creations of mine are downloadable.

Name Ver. Date Description Info
Crossfade Slideshow 1.2 02.01.2007 This JavaScript mini library purpose is to allow easy adding of a slideshow feature to a web page. It’s enough to fill an array with pictures and call two methods.
  • The pictures of the slideshow cross fade over each other in predefined time intervals.
  • Each picture can have its own region map defined.
  • Any picture of the array can be selected to start the slideshow with or the slideshow can start with  a randomly selected picture from a subset of the array.
  • The slideshow can be stopped and rerun by code on the page (for example in events)
  • Any image, even not listed in the array, can be shown in the area of the slideshow using a simple function
Demo  Reference
Floating logo 1.0 06.03.2007 The object defined in this JavaScript code summons an image in a specified corner of a webpage, that stays there regardless of any scrolling of the page. Based on the parameters provided at its creation time it can be a link at the same time and can disappear after a specified amount of time. Reference
Transparency 1.0 14.02.2007 This JavaScript mini library purpose is provide a simple interface for transparency supporting browsers. The provided functions allow gradual fade-in, fade-out and consistent setting of transparency of any visual object defined on a webpage. They can be easily used in any JavaScript code Demo  Reference